Adobe Ruined by The MBA Guys; I'm Leaving - After 33 Years!

Adobe Ruined by The MBA Guys; I'm Leaving - After 33 Years!

I was horrified earlier this year when Adobe was caught stealing their customers images and artworks to developing their AI model without informing their customers or compensating them. This is straight up theft and a sign that the executive team, dominated by MBA educated executives had lost it. 

After Adobe shifted to the subscription model in 2013, their software suddenly became very expensive because in order to user the software installed on your machine, you were forced to pay continuously instead of choosing an update frequency that fit your individual need and budget. Forcing your customers into this regime was unethical. The change to subscription model increased Adobe profits significantly, several billion dollars. They posted record Q4 profits in 2023! Does this mean radical product improvement or a reduction is price increases. Haha no. The subscription model instead promote lower product development rates as there are no longer a need to impress customers every year with new features. They can kick back, relax and above all dont risk spending funds on costly feature research because their customers are tied in, and if they want to leave they have to pay extra ! 

This is why I am for the first time in 33 years no longer an Adobe user: Adobes predatory and exploitive business practices and their exorbitant prices. I started with Adobe Photoshop 2.0.1 in 1991. The MBA guys blew it. The problem with MBA people in leadership roles is their inability to recognize value outside of a spreadsheet in other dominations than dollars. Their only goal is quarterly profits and seeing things like product research, quality, safety, wages etc as expenses that must be eliminated as much as possible. These people usually has no deeper interest in their area of business, they just happen to work at their company. There is no deep drive to pursue a career in a given field, their only value is wealth in itself. 
The other point I will make is there is no correlation between being good with numbers and spreadsheets and running a company, developing products, improving design and all the other things that usually makes customers happy. These are smart people but they are not product people or in touch with their customers or manufacturers, coders, their only value is their ability to argue for more profit, which is all most board members really want to hear.

The sad thing is the MBA mindset is so lazy, and ironically, void of creativity. Their goal is always profit. Their plans is profit oriented, reduce risk, reduce creativity. There is so many other avenues Adobe could have taken that would have seen them less profitable in terms of money but far wealthier in creative terms. They could have been a force for change, 

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